Editing Reminder Frequency

You can easily change the reminder frequency or duration for individual patients enrolled in the Bot MD Care Dashboard.

Via Patient List

1. In the left side of the Clinical Dashboard, Click  Patient List

2. Select the Active tab to see a list of Active Patients. You may type the patient's name in the search field or select from the list below.

3. On the right side of the patient list, click on the more settings icon (three small dots) then on "View clinical settings."

4. Look for Reminders within the page.

Editing Reminder Time & Frequency and Duration using Global Settings

1. Click on More Settings then select Edit time & frequency

2. Set the Frequency - you may select from any of the global settings. 

3. Set the reminder Duration by selecting a start and end point

4. Click Save to save your settings.

Note: You can also edit the reminder duration directly by clicking on More Settings then selecting Edit duration

Editing Reminder Time & Frequency and Duration using Custom Settings

1. Click on More Settings then select Edit time & frequency

2. Set the Frequency - Select Customize for this individual to set your own reminder times. You can then customize the following settings:

a. Reminder type: One-time - Set a reminder based on a trigger (e.g. Enrollment or Discharge).

b. Reminder type: Recurring - Set a reminder based on a repeating schedule (e.g. a set time every day, every week or every month).

3. You will also need to set the following:

Send reminders every - 1 x a day, 1 x a week or 1 x a month

At what time should patients receive reminders? - enter the time in 24h-format (e.g. 21:00 for 9:00pm)

Advanced reminder settings

Schedule follow-up reminders - Follow-up reminders will be automatically sent to patients if they don’t respond to the original reminder. They can be sent up to 8 hours after the initial reminder.

Submission compliance window - if the patient submits within this time window they will be considered compliant. These may be set in hours, days or weeks before the reminder is sent, and after the reminder is sent. Default setting is 4 hours before reminder and 4 hours after reminder.

Via Patient Monitoring

1. In the left Menu under Patient Monitoring 📒, search for your patient then click on More Settings (three dots) and select "View Clinical Settings."

Repeat steps 4-7 above.

Next : Editing Alert Thresholds

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