Adding Multiple Patients
- On the left of your dashboard, click on the “Patient List” icon.
- From there, click on the blue “Add Patient” button and, under the “Add multiple patients” subsection, click on either “Import Patient List Only” or “Import & Enroll Patients”
- Download the Excel template and fill in all columns in the template. Required fields must be filled for import to work. For the “Preferred Chat App” field and “Gender” field, please select from the drop down options in the template.
Note: We will only import 500 patients at a time. Adding more rows and columns into the template will not result in additional data being imported. For the “Date of Birth” column, please use the “Month-Day-Year” format.
- If you selected “Import and Enroll Patients”, you must first select the “Program” and “Default Reminder” you’d like to enroll the patients in first.
- Upload the filled template to the “Upload file” box and click “Continue” to enroll your patients into Bot MD Care.
- If there are any errors in your Patient Template, the system will detect it. Click “Back to Bulk import”, correct the data, and upload again.
- Once the Patient Template has cleared the checks by the system, click “Continue” and confirm your import to upload your data.
- Once the upload has completed, your patients will appear in the Bot MD Care Patient List.